Tuesday 31 March 2015

Netball !!!

In the holidays I`m going to Invercargil to watch a netball game. It is the Southern Steel vs the WBOP Magic. For the Cromwell netball club I am in the top team. It will be fun to find out some useful netball moves I don`t know yet. I can`t wait!!!  

The Central Otago Triathlon.

I walked towards the line. There were butterflies in my tummy swimming like an Olympic freestyler. I waited. BANG! We were off. I ran fast because I didn't want to let Kate and Shayla down. I passed a few people. Some people behind me were walking." They're letting their team down," I thought.

I sprinted down to the second marshal, passing girls on the way. I started getting puffed but that didn`t stop me. "Yay I'm nearly there." I mumbled to myself.

I sprinted down the path as fast as I could. I could see Kate, Shayla and Victoria jumping up and down in the transition area. I ran and tagged Shayla. Off she went biking away. I felt pleased with myself because I had finished. Five minutes later Ben came back then Olivia. Kate and I were still standing there. Not too long after Shayla came back and Kate was off. Running to the pool rather fast. She dived into the pool. She started her four lengths. One length, two  lengths, three, four. Kate hopped out. Yay we've finished the race. Kate lined up to hand in her transponder. We hadn't won but we had fun. Now it was prize giving. No one from Goldfields got a medal though.

We walked back to school feeling happy and pleased with ourselves.

Did you ever Camp Naseby poem.

Did you ever sleep in a tent at Naseby on a freezing cold night?
Kids shivering
People talking
Every one snuggling up
Do it!