Monday 9 November 2015

Colour Poem

Aqua is Lake Dunstan on a bright sunny day.
Aqua is the fast flowing rivers speeding down mountains. 
Aqua is the dark patches in the sky.
Aqua is the colour of Lake Ruataniwha on a calm day.
Aqua tastes like the salty sea water.
Aqua smells like the beach at Kaka Point.
Aqua sounds like waves crashing and washing up at the sandy shore.
Aqua feels like water trickling down my body after a swim. 
Aqua looks like a calm lake.
Aqua makes me cold after a dip in a river.
Aqua is my dam in the middle of the day. 

Sunday 8 November 2015

Spring Carnival

On Saturday I entered a swimming competition called Spring Carnival. I raced in the under 10 girls non competitive grade. I came 2nd in freestyle and 1st in breaststroke and backstroke. For freestyle I did a tumble turn but I just touched the wall for backstroke. I did a breaststroke turn for breaststroke.  All the races were two lengths each. I did a racing dive for the races you have to dive in for. I was really nervous at the start of my races but by the end of each race I wanted to do more lengths. I am proud of myself for participating.