Thursday 27 August 2015

Optical Illusion

This is my optical illusion art for the calendar.......
I hope you like it!!!!!
We had to use bright colours so the art would print properly onto the calendar. When you look at the art, it looks like you are falling down a deep hole.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cross Country Memoir

I started my second lap. My heart and lungs were aching, but I had finally managed to control my breathing. I was pacing myself to a good speed, not too fast and not too slow.

I was half way when I heard Corban say "Hurry up chop chop!"
He should try run this race," I thought to myself. I sped up a bit. The parents started to cheer because the first few people were finishing.

As I ran around the last turn, Olivia came into sight. I sprinted. I just missed Olivia by a centimetre so I finished fifth.

I was happy all the same because I had achieved my goal which was to make it to COs and I had participated without getting injured or having to stop. I had tried.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Tips For New Bloggers

If you are reading this and you have just started with Blogger here are five tips to get you going.

1. ALWAYS   pick a new background especially ones that make your blog unique but don`t use photos e.g cities, trees.

2. Make sure you keep up to date with posts. Post about what's going on in your life, publish stories or other things like that.

3. Add gadgets like photos, slideshows and links every once in a while.

4. Add a blog description and say something about yourself.

5. Change your page font to something that suits you.

Now that you have read this you will soon be very, very advanced!

Wednesday 5 August 2015

How Does Blogging Help My Learning?

Blogging helps my learning because it make me use my intitative to keep up to date with everything. It lets me tell people about what's going on in my life and the sports tornaments and competitions that I take part in. I have to figure the hard things out for my self. It gives me a chance to try new things out for myself  and learn new things  on my tablet. I have learnt how to insert other tabs and links. I think my next step is to make a YouTube tab to insert my YouTube videos.  

Monday 3 August 2015

Jump Jam Leadership Workshop

"Remember feet together, fists on hips, good posture, chin up and smile!" Brett Fairweather, the jump jam legend called. I walked up on stage and took a shaky breath. "Oh no!" I thought. The song had begun. I started to dance. Victoria accidentally stood on my foot, but I kept doing the routine. Suddenly a burst of energy flew though my body. I felt like a jump jam star because my nerves had disappeared. The music got quieter and quieter. The song had ended. "Give it up for Goldfields!" Brett yelled.

For me the Jump Jam Leadership Workshop was an experience of a lifetime.