Sunday 20 September 2015

Noho Marae

I could hear the loud whispers of children at the other side of the room. I wriggled around in my sleeping bag and groaned. It was quiet though so not many people heard me. The maori statues were creepy in the dark because I could see their eyes glaring down at me. I imagined them coming to life and attacking me for sleeping in their territory. The thought of it made me shake with fear. 

The room started to quieter down. Slowly, my eyes started to close.

Monday 7 September 2015

Haiku (Japan)


A lamb lies in grass
Beside a glitter filled creek
Maaa! She calls for Mum.

Daffodils blooming
Making a happy garden
No! Birds have a feast.


Cold blizzards hit south
Large flakes create kids playgrounds
My face turns to ice.


Leaves make tornadoes
Kids play in big, fat leave piles
Leaves fly, kids eyes sting.


A heat wave hits farms
A drought starts, farmers panic
Yay! Water arrives.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Kapahaka Performance


"And next up we have Goldfields Primary School from Cromwell!" exclaimed the host. Since I was at the front of the line, I had to lead the front row on stage. I scanned the crowd, looking for Goldfields supporters and smiled.

 "Oh no," I thought "Natalia has forgotten to sing!' Of course, I was wrong. She had just started quite quietly. Then it was Victoria`s turn. Her voice flew around the room as beautiful as a rare song bird.

As I cleared my throat the next song began. I started to sing and do the actions. The crowd stared at us, captivated. My throat felt like it was on fire, but parts of it was as dry as a desert. As we finished the last line of Kapi Oi Oi, the crowd clapped in amazement. 

"Two down, one to go," I thought to myself.