Monday 9 November 2015

Colour Poem

Aqua is Lake Dunstan on a bright sunny day.
Aqua is the fast flowing rivers speeding down mountains. 
Aqua is the dark patches in the sky.
Aqua is the colour of Lake Ruataniwha on a calm day.
Aqua tastes like the salty sea water.
Aqua smells like the beach at Kaka Point.
Aqua sounds like waves crashing and washing up at the sandy shore.
Aqua feels like water trickling down my body after a swim. 
Aqua looks like a calm lake.
Aqua makes me cold after a dip in a river.
Aqua is my dam in the middle of the day. 

Sunday 8 November 2015

Spring Carnival

On Saturday I entered a swimming competition called Spring Carnival. I raced in the under 10 girls non competitive grade. I came 2nd in freestyle and 1st in breaststroke and backstroke. For freestyle I did a tumble turn but I just touched the wall for backstroke. I did a breaststroke turn for breaststroke.  All the races were two lengths each. I did a racing dive for the races you have to dive in for. I was really nervous at the start of my races but by the end of each race I wanted to do more lengths. I am proud of myself for participating.

Wednesday 28 October 2015


I think I did well in Athletics. I made it to Central Otagos for sprints and relay. I might go for high jump because I get another chance to jump 1 metre one lunch time. The only places I got was 2nd, 3rd and 4th.I was 2nd in sprints and long distance. I got 3rd in high jump, triple jump and hurdles. I got 4th in long jump.  I am very proud of my results and that I reached my goal which was to get to Central Otagos. Hopefully I can get to go to Otagos.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Am I going up or down the mountain?

I think I am going up the mountain because I manage to finish my tasks on time. My seating is OK because I don't get distracted by anyone but I don't like not being with my friends. I think my presentation in my literacy book is good because I always try to cut and glue things neatly.  I write my neatest when I am doing Handwriting and try to write very good stories with amazing hooks. I respect everyone in the class and treat them the way I want to be treated. That is why I think I am going up the mountain not down.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Holidays Memoir

I could see big orange flames burning high into he sky as we burnt the rabbits hiding places. I could smell the stinky stench of smoke. 

All of a sudden a big spark flew towards me and landed on my neck. "Dad!" I screamed, 'Dad I'm on fire!" I stood there, horrified, a tears poured out of my eyes. My neck seared with pain.

After a few seconds Dad and Lachie came sprinting over. Dad saw the hole in my top and blister on my neck so he rushed me over to the creek. My burn felt a tiny bit better as Dad poured water on it.

When I was feeling better, Lachie asked me how getting bur t felt. I described it to him. "Imagine burning yourself on a hot frying pan then double the pain." I laughed as he ran back to the truck, hiding from the fires. I saw around 20 rabbits, that had just escaped one of the fires, chasing after him.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Learning Log

This week I think I have done well at self managing my MI tasks because I have done some tasks interpersonaly and others intrapersonaly. I like having the Rugby World Cup as a focus because there are always new things to do things in many different ways. I have learnt some new things about rugby like how to pack a scrum and more facts about the 20 participating country's.  I wonder why the Rugby World Cup is more popular than the Netball World Cup.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Noho Marae

I could hear the loud whispers of children at the other side of the room. I wriggled around in my sleeping bag and groaned. It was quiet though so not many people heard me. The maori statues were creepy in the dark because I could see their eyes glaring down at me. I imagined them coming to life and attacking me for sleeping in their territory. The thought of it made me shake with fear. 

The room started to quieter down. Slowly, my eyes started to close.

Monday 7 September 2015

Haiku (Japan)


A lamb lies in grass
Beside a glitter filled creek
Maaa! She calls for Mum.

Daffodils blooming
Making a happy garden
No! Birds have a feast.


Cold blizzards hit south
Large flakes create kids playgrounds
My face turns to ice.


Leaves make tornadoes
Kids play in big, fat leave piles
Leaves fly, kids eyes sting.


A heat wave hits farms
A drought starts, farmers panic
Yay! Water arrives.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Kapahaka Performance


"And next up we have Goldfields Primary School from Cromwell!" exclaimed the host. Since I was at the front of the line, I had to lead the front row on stage. I scanned the crowd, looking for Goldfields supporters and smiled.

 "Oh no," I thought "Natalia has forgotten to sing!' Of course, I was wrong. She had just started quite quietly. Then it was Victoria`s turn. Her voice flew around the room as beautiful as a rare song bird.

As I cleared my throat the next song began. I started to sing and do the actions. The crowd stared at us, captivated. My throat felt like it was on fire, but parts of it was as dry as a desert. As we finished the last line of Kapi Oi Oi, the crowd clapped in amazement. 

"Two down, one to go," I thought to myself.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Optical Illusion

This is my optical illusion art for the calendar.......
I hope you like it!!!!!
We had to use bright colours so the art would print properly onto the calendar. When you look at the art, it looks like you are falling down a deep hole.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cross Country Memoir

I started my second lap. My heart and lungs were aching, but I had finally managed to control my breathing. I was pacing myself to a good speed, not too fast and not too slow.

I was half way when I heard Corban say "Hurry up chop chop!"
He should try run this race," I thought to myself. I sped up a bit. The parents started to cheer because the first few people were finishing.

As I ran around the last turn, Olivia came into sight. I sprinted. I just missed Olivia by a centimetre so I finished fifth.

I was happy all the same because I had achieved my goal which was to make it to COs and I had participated without getting injured or having to stop. I had tried.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Tips For New Bloggers

If you are reading this and you have just started with Blogger here are five tips to get you going.

1. ALWAYS   pick a new background especially ones that make your blog unique but don`t use photos e.g cities, trees.

2. Make sure you keep up to date with posts. Post about what's going on in your life, publish stories or other things like that.

3. Add gadgets like photos, slideshows and links every once in a while.

4. Add a blog description and say something about yourself.

5. Change your page font to something that suits you.

Now that you have read this you will soon be very, very advanced!

Wednesday 5 August 2015

How Does Blogging Help My Learning?

Blogging helps my learning because it make me use my intitative to keep up to date with everything. It lets me tell people about what's going on in my life and the sports tornaments and competitions that I take part in. I have to figure the hard things out for my self. It gives me a chance to try new things out for myself  and learn new things  on my tablet. I have learnt how to insert other tabs and links. I think my next step is to make a YouTube tab to insert my YouTube videos.  

Monday 3 August 2015

Jump Jam Leadership Workshop

"Remember feet together, fists on hips, good posture, chin up and smile!" Brett Fairweather, the jump jam legend called. I walked up on stage and took a shaky breath. "Oh no!" I thought. The song had begun. I started to dance. Victoria accidentally stood on my foot, but I kept doing the routine. Suddenly a burst of energy flew though my body. I felt like a jump jam star because my nerves had disappeared. The music got quieter and quieter. The song had ended. "Give it up for Goldfields!" Brett yelled.

For me the Jump Jam Leadership Workshop was an experience of a lifetime.

Monday 27 July 2015

Ice Skating Memoir

I could hear myself screaming. My mind went blank. WHAM! I hit the ice with a thud. My leg was stinging horribly. I slowly got back onto my feet and started skating around the rink. Instantly my leg felt better. 

A few minutes later l collided with Jacob. He hit the ice, but I stayed on my feet. Kaleb started charging at me and so was  his opponent. I dodged them just in time. "Off the ice now kids it's lunch time," Mrs Lees called. "I can't wait until we're  allowed back on the ice," I thought to myself.

Monday 20 July 2015

The highlight of my holidays

When we stayed in Dunedin, we drove to the Otago Peninsula. On the way to the Peninsula was a very windy road. The tide was in so the icy water was crashing against the rocky shore. When we arrived we looked around a Albatros museum. It showed how much plastic albatroses eat and the insides of their bodies. It also showed the life cycle of an Albatros.  Next we walked down a walking track with heaps of army hiding places. We saw a Chinese boat drive past. Then we walked over to a lookout and watched the sparkling water crash up against the massive rocks. Long, slimy pieces of seaweed kept splashing into the big waves of the sea. 

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Top bike competition Alexandra

As I walked up to the line I sat on my bike huffing and puffing, staring at the hill in front of me. 3, 2, 1 go! I pedaled speedily up the  muddy hill. There were thick tree roots sticking out of the track.  I did mini jumps off sticks, rocks and tree roots. "Oh no!" I thought "That's a big hill." I sped up the tall hill but crashed at the top of it. I rushed back on my bike and sped down the hill. Quinn was in front of me so he biked through a puddle and I got covered in mud.  I darted round a turn and saw the end. There were heaps of bumps that sped me up. Casey had just crossed the finish line. So had Quinn. I biked as fast as I could. I had crossed the line. Seconds later Shayla finished, then Flynn. "Erika needs to come so the timer will stop," I thought. Seconds later I heard someone say "Good job Erika!" I looked back at the forest. "Wow!" I thought "I can't believe I biked through there!

Thursday 18 June 2015

Spelling Quiz

I have been practicing for weeks now and finally I got into the spelling quiz. It is on the 24th of June (which is on my Dads Birthday!!!) I don`t know who is in my team yet.. 

I CAN`T WAIT!!!!!!  

Saturday 23 May 2015

Netball tornament

On Saturday a few weeks ago we had a netball tournament. My team won the first 3 games and I was wing defence twice and wing attack once. On the last game we had to win to get into the finals so we were put in the positions that we were best at so I was wing defence.  We lost the last game.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Autumn poem

Dancing, floating leaves flittering to the grass, 
the ground of many colours , orange, yellow and  brown
leaves falling to the ground , like a ballerina twirling round and round. 
Red like blood,
yellow like sun,
brown like dirt and
orange like a carrot,
never blue like sea or purple like a plum.

Sunday 3 May 2015

The creepy Cromwell earthquake

In Wanaka,  Queenstown and Cromwell there was a 6.1 magnitude earthquake. The ground shook heaps and it sounded like there was a bulldozer outside. We hid under the tables and stayed silent. I think I was red in the face. Once the ground wasn't shaking as bad we lined up and walked to the field. Mrs Lees called out the roll to make sure everyone was with us. Heaps of kids were crying. Room 4 and 7 had some damage done to their classrooms. Mrs Lees was scared because she had been in the big Christchurch earthquake. This was my second earthquake because I was in an after shock in Christchurch. There were a few after shocks. My brother was too scared to do swimming lessons.


Friday 1 May 2015

Highlanders vs Sharks

Yesterday we watched the Highlanders vs the Sharks in Dunedin.  Ariana, Brooke, Cameron,  Meg, Lachie, Michael, Jody, Trudi, Simon, Dad, Mum and I went. We walked to the stadium.  Lachie and Meg pretended to be army soldiers.  

When we got there Mum had to get her handbag checked for bad things. It was really cold.

As the Highlanders kicked off the Sharks sprinted for the ball but the Highlanders tackled the player with the ball and took it then got a try.

The Highlanders kept scoring so by half time the score was 10-26. There were things getting thrown at us but I didn't get anything. Dad got one crunchie bar.

Suddenly when the game started up again I froze. Ariana and Brooke got bored and Lachie and Meg went crazy. 

The end score was 15-49 to the Highlanders. I got all the signatures on my flag. We walked back to the Lone Star which was where the car was parked because we had tea there and got in. We drove back to Cromwell because we had sports the next day. The Webb`s and Clark`s went back to a motel they were staying in. We went to BP to get a snack. I fell asleep in Milton.

I want to do it again!

First netball game of the season

Today was the first netball game of the season. We won both our games. The first game we were against Terrace Lemon and the score was 7-17. The next game we were against Terrace Red. We won 2-23. I can't wait until next week because it is a tournament! Charlie couldn't play because she broke her thumb. I was captain for the first game and Olivia was captain in the second game. 

Monday 27 April 2015

A poem for ANZAC Day

Gallipoli soldier,
wounded and injured

lying in the medical tent. 

Broken bones,
snapped like sticks, 

stinging in the body, making him weak. 

Saturday 11 April 2015

Magic vs Steel

Yesterday I went to Invercargill to watch a netball game.

I had been saving up for a Steel jersey for ages but when we went to buy one they said they had only one size twelve and they had just sold it and they had no size tens. The size eight was too small and the extra small women size was too big.

We went to the stand that we were sitting in which was the Ray Harper Stand. Mum tried to get a picture of me but I wouldn`t let her cause I was too disappointed. Dad blew up the clappers. We put down the stickers, tattoos and card that we got when we walked into the stadium. Bang bang bang! The Southern Steel and WBOP Magic were walking onto the court. Everyone clapped their clappers. Dad and I ran down to buy a Steel scarf while the teams did their warm ups. That cheered me up!

The Magic started the game they got a goal. Then the Steel got a goal and on and on. Then the Magic kept scoring.

At half time some girls did a dance. They did back flips and the splits and stuff like that.

The second half started. The Steel caught up but then the Magic got heaps more goals.

As the game drew nearer to the end I screwed up my face because there was no way the Steel could win. 

I was right the Magic won.

I went up at got nine signatures on my scarf, A free signed poster and a photo with my favourite player Storm Purvis. I saw Olivia and her cousin.

It was awesome!

Friday 3 April 2015

The Kaka Point beach walk.

We walked along the Kaka Point beach with no shoes. The sand crept up into my toes and slipped back out.
 My brother and I jumped into the waves and splashed about in the salty sea water. We were swimming in our clothes. Lachie fell over into sea. It felt as if the salty sea was pulling me away the tide. Nana said there were seals swimming with us and Aunty,  Dad, Mum and Dave said it was true and the swear they saw them.
Dad and I found clam shells lying left by themselves everywhere. The sand had slipped into them.

Seaweed was lying all around the beach. There was also digger`s tyre marks printed into the sand..

Once we were changed we got an ice cream. I got gold rush dipped in chocolate.


Wednesday 1 April 2015

Cromwell netball club

On Tuesday we found out what netball teams we were in. We had had to trial a few days before. I got in the top team. Olivia, Shayla, Sian, Ajah, Hannah, Halle, Trest and Charlie are in my team. Kate is in the team below me but that sucks because she`s been in my team since I started netball.

Last days of term one.

Today is the last day of term one:(. The good part is that I am most likely to be putting new posts about Easter, the netball game and stuff like that. Yesterday was the touch finals. My team which is Korimako, came third. Olivia got team player and Kate got most improved. Julian got the most valuble award. Last year I was in Tui and we won. Also last year I got most improved. Both years we got sausages in bread.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Netball !!!

In the holidays I`m going to Invercargil to watch a netball game. It is the Southern Steel vs the WBOP Magic. For the Cromwell netball club I am in the top team. It will be fun to find out some useful netball moves I don`t know yet. I can`t wait!!!  

The Central Otago Triathlon.

I walked towards the line. There were butterflies in my tummy swimming like an Olympic freestyler. I waited. BANG! We were off. I ran fast because I didn't want to let Kate and Shayla down. I passed a few people. Some people behind me were walking." They're letting their team down," I thought.

I sprinted down to the second marshal, passing girls on the way. I started getting puffed but that didn`t stop me. "Yay I'm nearly there." I mumbled to myself.

I sprinted down the path as fast as I could. I could see Kate, Shayla and Victoria jumping up and down in the transition area. I ran and tagged Shayla. Off she went biking away. I felt pleased with myself because I had finished. Five minutes later Ben came back then Olivia. Kate and I were still standing there. Not too long after Shayla came back and Kate was off. Running to the pool rather fast. She dived into the pool. She started her four lengths. One length, two  lengths, three, four. Kate hopped out. Yay we've finished the race. Kate lined up to hand in her transponder. We hadn't won but we had fun. Now it was prize giving. No one from Goldfields got a medal though.

We walked back to school feeling happy and pleased with ourselves.

Did you ever Camp Naseby poem.

Did you ever sleep in a tent at Naseby on a freezing cold night?
Kids shivering
People talking
Every one snuggling up
Do it!