Tuesday 30 June 2015

Top bike competition Alexandra

As I walked up to the line I sat on my bike huffing and puffing, staring at the hill in front of me. 3, 2, 1 go! I pedaled speedily up the  muddy hill. There were thick tree roots sticking out of the track.  I did mini jumps off sticks, rocks and tree roots. "Oh no!" I thought "That's a big hill." I sped up the tall hill but crashed at the top of it. I rushed back on my bike and sped down the hill. Quinn was in front of me so he biked through a puddle and I got covered in mud.  I darted round a turn and saw the end. There were heaps of bumps that sped me up. Casey had just crossed the finish line. So had Quinn. I biked as fast as I could. I had crossed the line. Seconds later Shayla finished, then Flynn. "Erika needs to come so the timer will stop," I thought. Seconds later I heard someone say "Good job Erika!" I looked back at the forest. "Wow!" I thought "I can't believe I biked through there!


  1. Hi Emma,I really liked how you used all of those amazing words it made me feel excited

  2. Emma this story shows how you have put a lot of effort into it and I know what it felt like when you your up against the wind on the road race and it was cold good job
