Friday 3 April 2015

The Kaka Point beach walk.

We walked along the Kaka Point beach with no shoes. The sand crept up into my toes and slipped back out.
 My brother and I jumped into the waves and splashed about in the salty sea water. We were swimming in our clothes. Lachie fell over into sea. It felt as if the salty sea was pulling me away the tide. Nana said there were seals swimming with us and Aunty,  Dad, Mum and Dave said it was true and the swear they saw them.
Dad and I found clam shells lying left by themselves everywhere. The sand had slipped into them.

Seaweed was lying all around the beach. There was also digger`s tyre marks printed into the sand..

Once we were changed we got an ice cream. I got gold rush dipped in chocolate.


1 comment:

  1. Emma I love the detail you have shown in this sentence ... "It felt as if the salty sea was pulling me away the tide." It made me feel like I was in the water with you!
    Notice that I have put "quotation marks" around the piece of writing that came straight from your story
